Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Creamy Strawberry Smoothie--Great for Breakfast

I found some fresh strawberries at the store yesterday and their fragrance sold me right away, ripe, red, glossy. I made milkshakes last night after dinner and had a few left for breakfast this morning.
Measurements for a smoothie are approximate but it's hard to mess up something so simple and good.
Put some fresh or frozen fruit into a container or blender. I use a smart stick, but if you need a lot a blender would be better size wise.
My photo is blurry, it was very early.
I use kefir or yogurt, whey protein powder, flax seed, a spoon of stevia.
 If the yogurt is very thick you may need to thin this a bit with milk or water.
You can put in a couple ice cubes if you want it icy.
Try blueberries, pineapple or raspberries or any combination of your favorite fruit. I suppose you could use a banana if you have to (ick). It's your smoothie, use what you like.


  1. Yummy! I do usually make mine with banana, but only because I don't really taste it much, and it's the only way I eat bananas. :)

  2. Banana makes it thicker...if you like bananas. As healthy as the are, one every two years is enough for me :)
    Blueberries are my favorite or peaches with coconut!
