Friday, May 7, 2010

Light As A Cloud Sweet Cream Biscuits

These biscuits were the best I have ever far, that is. 
My chicken pot pie returned from being housed in Louis's and Linda's freezer after my freezer proved to be undependable by thawing the whole front row of chickens just a couple weeks after butchering the last batch of  25 for a total of 39 chickens. I cooked 7 and took the rest of the contents of the freezer to 2 different families who graciously housed them until we used them up in small increments. A couple weeks ago we got the last 3 chickens and among them was my missing casserole with a pot pie in it. Totally forgotten. It had taken several months, this was after all a years supply of chicken, so the crust on top appeared a bit soggy. I removed the crust, covered the casserole and baked it until it was heated through. But what is a chicken pot pie without the crust? It is chicken a la king--needs biscuits! I don't like soggy biscuits so the photo shows mine on the side. 
2 cups flour
2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups of heavy cream
Preheat the oven to 500F.
Spray or grease a large cookie sheet.
In a large mixing bowl, combine all the dry ingredients.
Gently, add the cream and mix just until combined. Too much stirring causes tough biscuits.
Lightly dust counter with flour, knead the dough a couple times just until it forms a ball.
Roll dough into 1/2 inch thick. Use a tall biscuit cutter (I used my grandson's sippy cup because I have a small kitchen and can't house everything) dipped in the flour to cut as many as you can.
Ball up the rest, re roll, and cut until all you have is this. Then just form the last one with your hand like this.
Did you preheat the oven? 500F. 
Line them up on the greased pan.
I nicked one with the edge of the cup, looks like someone took a bite.
Bake for 7-9 minutes or until edges are golden. 
These were so good with butter or honey butter.
The next morning I had one for breakfast with sliced strawberries over it. These would make a beautiful ham and cheese sandwich!
Go make some.

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